A Firm Grasp - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1789713
Jun 14, 2021

A Firm Grasp

As we approach the final days of one of this village’s most heated election cycles, there are many who have yet to decide for whom they will be voting this Friday. Misinformation is rampant, and some may find it difficult to make an informed political decision.

I am writing to offer a simple solution to all those who have found themselves in this situation or are currently on the fence between candidates.

Village politics ultimately should center on the issues that most affect our community, and residents should select the candidate who presents the most insightful approaches to them. There is no better arena in which to judge a candidate on this objective metric than a debate.

As such, I strongly encourage all Southampton Village residents to watch the mayoral and trustee candidate debate hosted by the League of Women Voters on the SEA-TV YouTube channel.

Viewers will quickly gather that Mayor Jesse Warren is the picture of vibrancy, creativity and intelligence. Warren demonstrated his firm grasp of village issues, even remembering the sum of the village’s long-term unfunded liabilities down to the dollar.

I see no better metaphor for the current state of village politics than this debate: We have an energetic, smiling and hardworking mayor who is deeply passionate about helping this village reach its fullest potential.

Mayor Warren’s debate performance is reason enough to reelect him to the office of mayor. For the sake of this village, I hope that we all make the right decision this Friday.

Lydia Palmer

East Hampton