Wrong Location - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1791856
Jun 22, 2021

Wrong Location

As one of the people who spoke at the public hearing regarding the Atlantic Golf Club proposal I feel it is necessary to correct your comments in your editorial “A Place to Live” [June 17].

I personally do not oppose workforce housing. As a full-time resident of Bridgehampton and a local business owner since 1984, I recognize the need to create more affordable housing. I fully support the much needed seasonal housing for our local businesses and, when necessary, our local golf courses.

Your editorial further states that “the plan seems reasonable.” I fully disagree with this statement. It does not seem reasonable to build a 16-bedroom, 6,500-square-foot structure with many kitchens and large laundry facilities within 50 feet of an existing neighbor who has resided on her property for over 50 years.

This proposed facility would be along Scuttle Hole Road’s most precious visual corridor. If permitted in this location, it would not only impact the beautiful pond views but it would present a serious environmental impact to Shorts Pond from extensive water use from toilets, showers, kitchens and laundry facilities, not to mention outdoor activities.

Southampton Town over the years has done a great job of preserving and protecting much of the vacant land in our sensitive visual corridors. Recently, my family was approached by the Community Preservation Fund, as they were interested in acquiring a roadfront lot that my family owned. Ironically, this lot is located on the eastern border of the Gabrielle residence; Atlantic is on the western border of the Gabrielle residence. If the town felt it was important to consider preserving our lot, which is significantly farther away from Shorts Pond, why would they even consider allowing Atlantic to develop in such close proximity to the pond?

During the public hearing, several questions were raised concerning the environmental impact to Shorts Pond. The applicant’s representatives never answered any questions regarding traffic studies, water flow usage and other important environmental concerns.

Frustrated by the lack of information, I went to Town Hall to review Atlantic’s application. I was quite surprised to find that the Planning Board had been having discussions and meetings regarding this application since October 2020. I, myself, a neighboring property owner, only found out about the application in late May 2021.

It is a simple fact that the Atlantic Golf Club has over 200 acres of property with existing employee housing. It is obvious, in their proposed design and location, they are looking to minimize the impact of this project to their private club. If the club feels a need to expand its housing, it should consider a location that does not maximize the impact on Shorts Pond and also their residential neighbors.

Jane Held
