Hiding From Public - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1818791
Sep 20, 2021

Hiding From Public

You may have heard of my refusal to participate in the upcoming debate among town supervisor candidates. I will not participate in a Zoom debate — for I don’t consider that a debate. I had asked that they consider a live debate (even outdoors), considering many other venues are open and we are not under lockdown. Town offices are still open, and even the Senior Center.

I feel the Town Board has used the pandemic to hide from the public by not facing them in person. A prime example was when they canceled the Montauk public hearing on airport closure due to the overwhelming response for attendance.

How can you run a town from the basement?

Besides, we are still awaiting Peter’s response to a Freedom of Information Law (now overdue) request as to Sylvia Overby’s town participation while allegedly living in Florida.

Ken Walles

East Hampton

Mr. Walles is a candidate for East Hampton Town supervisor — Ed.