Wrong Location - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1818794
Sep 20, 2021

Wrong Location

Regarding affordable housing on Community Preservation Fund land in East Hampton, the subject of a September 22 hearing: 284 and 290 Three Mile Harbor Road, East Hampton, 14-plus acres, were put on the CPF list for preservation of wildlife in 2011.

Tell the board “no” today: planningboard@ehamptonny.gov.

A concerned neighbor, I negotiated the deal with Christopher Simonetti, representative of the estate; Larry Penny, East Hampton Town natural resources director; and Scott Wilson, the town’s director of land acquisitions — the land is still on the CPF list.

The CPF Law was enacted to help protect and preserve open and undeveloped lands in the Town of East Hampton and the incorporated villages, including wetlands, woodlands, agricultural lands, shorelands and the other natural resources of the town; for the purposes of protecting historic places and properties within the town; and for the purpose of providing the town’s visitors and residents with outdoor recreational opportunities.

Twice in 10 years subsequent, town boards ignored these lots, until a study was floated to put 100-plus units on the land — it failed.

Again, two years ago, as COVID-19 was ravaging our lives, the Town Board approved the land for low-income housing for outsiders.

Intelligent citizens have already spoken out against this affront — the board must move this project to shovel-ready 395 Pantigo Road.

Clayton W. Munsey

East Hampton