Working For Us - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1823409
Oct 4, 2021

Working For Us

I am writing to express my support of Cynthia McNamara for Southampton Town Council and to share a story of how Cyndi’s perseverance has bettered my family.

We were informed a few years ago that our wells were contaminated, rendering our water unsafe to drink. The contamination in my area ranged from PFAs, a chemical that can cause cancer among other detrimental impacts to health, to saturation of chemicals like manganese, where long-term exposure can lead to symptoms that resemble Parkinson’s disease.

The town had implemented a program to hook residents up to the Suffolk County Water Authority supply — but left my and my East Quogue neighbors’ homes off the list of those who would receive the hook-up. Cyndi sprung into action and advocated for us to receive SCWA town water.

Because of Cyndi’s efforts, we received access to clean drinking water at no cost to me or my neighbors. I can now drink water without concern of the long-term impacts the contaminates were doing to myself and my family.

Cyndi does not simply talk the talk — she is in our community fighting for each of us as individuals to better our community and our lives. I am grateful to have Cyndi as a neighbor and look forward to her continued advocacy as Southampton Town councilperson.

Rita Kennedy

East Quogue