Roll Up The Sleeves - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1827475
Oct 19, 2021

Roll Up The Sleeves

The Town of Southampton and the surrounding region are at a critical point in their growth and development. Issues such as decreasing water quality, loss of natural environment, as well as the specter of climate change, haunt us daily. The pressing need for housing for first-time buyers or renters grows annually with each high school or university graduating class.

The unexpected influx of residents due to COVID and the pressure exerted on the infrastructure and services available in the town have them stretched to their limits. Traffic becomes more of an impediment to the quality of life we have come to know. With the increase in population came a much welcomed increase in business, yet there are not sufficient people available to work, rendering gains unattainable, forcing local businesses to curtail hours of operation.

With these changes comes an urgent need to elect officials who are qualified and schooled in the underlying issues and capable of putting forth ideas and legislation that will positively impact the vast majority of the town’s residents. Unqualified or inexperienced candidates will only make matters worse. A positive, sincere, roll-up-the sleeves approach based on collaboration and the ability to listen to all constituents is what we need.

Tommy John Schiavoni and Robin Long, candidates for the Town Board, have dedicated their lives and careers to the betterment of Southampton. Schiavoni’s years of service to his local community and the Town of Southampton are invaluable experiences that he is contributing to Southampton. Long’s complete grasp of the issues and complete understanding of government, coupled with her sincere desire to help all residents, cannot be overlooked. Between them, they bring to the town unmatched expertise and experience, which will only make Southampton a much better place.

There is no room for negativity in Town Hall. There is no room for a lack of experience at this point in town government. With Tommy John Schiavoni and Robin Long as Town Board members, the future of Southampton will be assured and all residents, irrespective of political orientation, will be listened to and considered in the decision-making process.

William R. Kearns

East Quogue