Paid My Dues - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1831809
Nov 1, 2021

Paid My Dues

I served eight years in the military protecting this country. I paid income taxes, exactly what I owed for 64 years. Now it has become increasingly clear to me that there are many, particularly the well-to-do, who have not served, who do not pay their fair share of taxes, but who nonetheless reap the bounty of living in this great country.

Drive Dune Road from Cupsogue to Shinnecock, ride through Southampton, East Hampton or Wainscott. Peer through the hedges at the mansions. Know that at least some of these exquisite homes were built and are maintained with/by untaxed income.

When Democrats in Congress move to correct the taxation issue, Republicans cry invasion of privacy and call out the tax-and-spend mentality of their opponents.

So, I have a question: Can I have my eight years and money back?

Ed Pavlak
