Mariner Pride - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1932808
Apr 25, 2022

Mariner Pride

Kudos to Donna Kreymborg for addressing the School Board last week and raising the issue of the state of Southampton athletics [“Parent Speaks Passionately About State Of Athletics In Southampton School District,” Sports,, April 19]. Her passion is contagious and, hopefully, brings needed attention and visibility to give our kids opportunities to participate in sports on the high school level.

Certainly, we can all do more, but we have had successful youth leagues and “feeder programs” in the area. These programs work best when plugged into the school and varsity coaches/athletes are encouraged to work with younger kids. The games and competitions need to be visible and fun. Students, administration, alumni and the community should be encouraged to attend games and support the kids who are representing Southampton.

If numbers now are the issue, what can we do to pull more from the base and keep local kids here vs. feeding parochial schools or other local high schools. The Mariner tradition here is strong — celebrate it, engage the alumni who achieved so much. Tap into the Breakers, who can speak to higher education.

As a parent, I’m sure we can do more and, personally, I would like to help be a part of the administration’s vision for Southampton athletics.

For the next two weeks, a lot of seniors will be playing in their last games as Mariners. I would encourage the board, administration, student body, alumni and entire community to attend a game and show your Mariner pride. Make it to these events, support the students who are working hard to represent Southampton, and bring the passion.

Dan McDonnell
