More Than One Voice - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1977218
Jun 6, 2022

More Than One Voice

With the village elections upon us, I’d like to take this opportunity to endorse Kimberly Allan for trustee.

I first worked with Kim when she was a trustee a few years ago. While she and I didn’t always agree, her willingness to listen and do what was best for the community was always evident. She was a leader in exploring green energy but never spoke like she had all the answers.

Kim’s love of this village always trumped any agenda. Her corporate experience is clear when you work with her. She’s smart, tough and is exactly what this village needs in this time of partisanship.

It is vital that every democratic process be held to a standard of checks and balances. Kim Allan will be that person. Southampton deserves more than one voice.

Mark Antilety
