Crucial Crossroads - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1977376
Jun 6, 2022

Crucial Crossroads

Nothing makes my blood boil more than local politicians who look at their candidacy and opportunity to serve as a stepping stone or another notch in their belt.

Trustee Joe McLoughlin is not one of those politicians and views service as his life’s work. Sure, I might not always have concurred with Trustee McLoughlin on every issue, but I have always admired his ability to find common ground and compromise. He sticks to his convictions and is open to ideas and concepts.

Southampton Village and its residents are at a crucial crossroads. We can vote for a “team,” led by an individual who has collected over 50 absentee ballots, or vote for a candidate in Joseph McLoughlin, a candidate with sincerity and knowledge.

If you want to know who is really playing politics in the village, look at the 50 names this individual collected absentees from, and the lawn signs in front of their “residences.” You will have your answer.

In Southampton Village, we are truly lucky to have a public servant and, even more, a friend in Joseph McLoughlin.

This June 17, go with Joe.

Joseph Chabot

Southampton Village