Clarity Needed - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2016248
Aug 29, 2022

Clarity Needed

In an article titled “Golf Course Resort Moves Ahead” [August 1], Assistant Town Planning Director Claire Vail Shea indicated that the application for a proposed golf course resort in East Quogue, known as the Lewis Road Planned Residential Development, was very close to completion.

However, nothing mentioned in the article leads me to conclude that the proposed resort qualifies as a PRD.

Instead, the approximately 600-acre resort appears to conform to the definition of cluster zoning with an accessory golf course. The allegedly unused 433 acres of open space appear to run with the houses, which is typical of cluster zoning. If that’s the case the application is not a PRD and should not be accepted.

On the other hand, if the 433 acres of open space is unbundled from the housing cluster then that fact should be made clear. It’s important to identify how this open space will be used, because it most definitely can be used, or sold.

Susan Cerwinski

East Quogue