Cone Program Pause - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2038440
Sep 26, 2022

Cone Program Pause

In June of this year, the Southampton Town Highway Department offered its assistance to the police department in staffing the “cone program” at the corner of Canoe Place Road and County Road 80 (Montauk Highway). Traffic control officers with cones, at the direction of the police department, originally staffed the program.

Traffic improved with the program, but because of inconsistency in staffing, the program was not guaranteed every day, causing daily commuters to be unable to plan their morning commutes.

The Highway Department solved this problem by assigning three staff members every morning and by increasing cone design. The current program has been successful, as you know. Additionally, the Highway Department has set up a similar program to address afternoon traffic at Canoe Place Road and County Road 80.

A three-week project will begin on September 26 by the Suffolk County Department of Public Works on Montauk Highway. Due to the fact that this is a county road, the Town Highway Department is not able to regulate this situation. In order to inform residents, we maintained a message board on Montauk Highway and released several press releases.

Once construction is completed, our cone program will once again be available to the residents. To ensure the continued success of this program, we will do everything we can to keep it running as long as possible.

Charlie McArdle

Superintendent of Highways

Southampton Town