Losing Marion - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2118459
Mar 20, 2023

Losing Marion

On Monday, The Express News Group began posting Letters to the Editor on 27east.com that will appear in that week’s paper. One letter, by former Southampton Town Democratic Committee treasurer George Lynch [“We Listen,” Letters, March 16], caught my attention.

After reading George’s letter, I could only come to the conclusion that either George has been out of town or hasn’t read The Press and/or local social media for quite some time.

The main Press editorial last week [March 9] was titled “Time To Listen” — and, surprise, surprise, it dealt with Jay Schneiderman and the Southampton Town Democrats’ unwillingness to listen to the voters of Hampton Bays, the most densely populated area of the town. This editorial was supported by an additional six letters last week, and nine this week, so far.

In my last letter, I referenced Marion Boden’s letter, titled “Listen to the People” [March 2]. Marion was a force within the early Southampton Town Democratic Party. Twenty years ago, when my wife and I relocated to Southampton Town, Marion graciously introduced us to the Southampton Town Democrats.

So, during the past week, I reread her letter, and a past historical event came to mind: the “Cronkite Moment”: When Lyndon B. Johnson heard that CBS news reporter Walter Cronkite could no longer support him and the war, LBJ is quoted as saying, “If we lose Cronkite, we have lost the country.”

Likewise, if we lose Democrats like Marion, we lose Southampton Town.

Stephen Ring

Hampton Bays