On Saturday, July 9, from 5 to 7 p.m., LongHouse Reserve in East Hampton will host a LongHouse Talk titled “Where Did Your Soul First Open: The Trees in My Life and Yours” with Michele Oka Doner in conversation with Carrie Rebora Barratt.
Michele Oka Doner’s work in sculpture, furniture, jewelry, books, and design is fueled by a lifelong study and appreciation of the natural world. From her early fascination with the centennial banyan trees near her childhood home in Miami Beach to the trees that surround her on city streets and forests and gardens of New York, she continues to consider the symbiotic connection between nature, art and human life.
“I feel embedded,” she says, “in the veins of leaves. I looked at those and I looked at my hands as a child — I knew it was the same as us.”
On Sunday, July 10, from 3 to 5 p.m. LongHouse Talks presents “Craft: An American History,” Glenn Adamson in conversation with Carrie Rebora Barratt.
Join Longhouse’s newly appointed curator at large, Dr. Glenn Adamson, for a conversation about his recent book, “Craft: An American History.” Adamson will offer a new context for LongHouse’s own vital position in the landscape of creative making; in his book, the postwar studio craft movement takes its place within a narrative extending back to the country’s founding.
Tickets for the talks are $35 each ($25 for members) at longhouse.org. LongHouse Reserve is at 133 Hands Creek Road in East Hampton.