Renowned American artist and East Hampton resident Ross Bleckner has created a series of monotypes to celebrate Guild Hall’s facility-wide renovation. His limited-edition prints, inspired by the beloved ceiling of the newly renamed Hilarie and Mitchell Morgan Theater at Guild Hall, are $2,000 ($2,300 framed in white).
Owning a Bleckner is owning a piece of contemporary art history — timeless, powerful, and uniquely yours. The sales of the monotype, variable edition of 50 prints will benefit Guild Hall. Printed on black Fabriano paper, the limited-edition prints are 11.75 x 16.5 inches and are only available for pickup at Guild Hall in East Hampton after purchase online. If choosing to have the print framed, allow up to three weeks from date of purchase to pick up the work. To order, contact Hannah Schulte at
Guild Hall is at 158 Main Street in East Hampton. For more information, visit