On Saturday, May 17, at 4 p.m. at The Church, join the Reverend Holly Haile Thompson, the first Indigenous woman to become Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., as she presents “Shinnecock 101,” and follows the tradition laid down by her mother, Elizabeth “Chee Chee” Thunderbird Haile. Having often accompanied her mother to give presentations at local schools, Thompson continues the tradition of educating the community on the history of the Shinnecock Nation.
Reverend Thompson will discuss the meaning behind words, dances and music — “things that are living” — and create an environment of understanding, dispelling ignorance and creating a bridge between cultures. Thompson invites audiences to consider “the lives, the humanity, the past” of the Shinnecock people and how they are “intrinsically related to anything that happens in our territory.”
The Rev. Holly Haile Thompson, DD, is a blood member of the Shinnecock Nation of Eastern Long Island. She was graduated from the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary in 1985 and was ordained by the Presbytery of Western Colorado in 1986. Thompson has served among several congregations; on national committees concerned with Native American justice, the Doctrine of Discovery, and racial equity with the Presbyterian Church; and with the United Methodist Church in its ongoing Act of Repentance in relation to Indigenous people, justice and the church. She and her husband, Harry, make their homes in their Native territories of Shinnecock and Akwesasne, Ontario.
“May our paths lead us to a time when we shall live together in Peace on Good Mother Earth,” she says.
After her talk, there will be a Q&A. This program is presented as a part of the current exhibition “Eternal Testament,” curated by Jeremy Dennis and Meranda Roberts.
Tickets for the talk are $10 (free for members with RSVP) at thechurchsagharbor.org. The Church is at 48 Madison Street in Sag Harbor.