East Hampton is putting its varsity boys and girls basketball and junior varsity girls basketball seasons on hold due to what Athletic Director Joe Vasile-Cozzo said were confirmed positive COVID-19 cases impacting the teams.
Vasile-Cozzo said the girls will pick up their season on January 18, while the boys are expected to restart their season on January 21. The girls, who have only played two games thus far this season, will only have to reschedule a pair of games. The boys (1-3 League V, 4-5 overall) will have to make up five games, though, according to Vasile-Cozzo, who admitted it’s going to be tough to reschedule that many games with the end of the regular season slated for February 8.
“The tough part now is that there is only a certain amount of time we can get these games in,” he said. “The girls only have two games to make up, but the boys have five games and I don’t know if I have room for five.
“We’ll do the best we can,” Vasille-Cozzo added. “We’ll make as many adjustments as we can.”