Housing, Cell Service and Airport Control Will Continue To Lead East Hampton Agenda in 2023, Van Scoyoc Says
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East Hampton Town Supervisor Peter Van Scoyoc, right, presented a town proclamation to Tom Ruhle, a former town councilman and planning board member and most recently the longtime director of the East Hampton Town Housing Department, who is retiring this week after nearly 40 years in town government. Two other longtime department heads, Maintenance Supervisor Anthony Littman and Building Inspector Ann Glennon, are also retiring this winter.
East Hampton Town Supervisor Peter Van Scoyoc, right, presented a town proclamation to Tom Ruhle, a former town councilman and planning board member and most recently the longtime director of the East Hampton Town Housing Department, who is retiring this week after nearly 40 years in town government. Two other longtime department heads, Maintenance Supervisor Anthony Littman and Building Inspector Ann Glennon, are also retiring this winter.
Michael Wright on Jan 11, 2023
East Hampton Town Supervisor Peter Van Scoyoc said in his “State of the Town” address last week that creating affordable housing and improving cellular communications will continue to be among...