The sand bag revetment along downtown Montauk was battered by Monday's storm, which hit at high tide with tropical storm force winds and waves over 25 feet high. DOUG KUNTZ
The sand bag revetment along downtown Montauk was battered by Monday's storm, which hit at high tide with tropical storm force winds and waves over 25 feet high. DOUG KUNTZ
The sand bag revetment along downtown Montauk was battered by Monday's storm, which hit at high tide with tropical storm force winds and waves over 25 feet high. DOUG KUNTZ
The sand bag revetment along downtown Montauk was battered by Monday's storm, which hit at high tide with tropical storm force winds and waves over 25 feet high. DOUG KUNTZ
The sand bag revetment along downtown Montauk was battered by Monday's storm, which hit at high tide with tropical storm force winds and waves over 25 feet high. DOUG KUNTZ
The sand bag revetment along downtown Montauk was battered by Monday's storm, which hit at high tide with tropical storm force winds and waves over 25 feet high. DOUG KUNTZ
The sand bag revetment along downtown Montauk was battered by Monday's storm, which hit at high tide with tropical storm force winds and waves over 25 feet high. DOUG KUNTZ
The sand bag revetment along downtown Montauk was battered by Monday's storm, which hit at high tide with tropical storm force winds and waves over 25 feet high. DOUG KUNTZ
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