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Kalyf Kwame Crowell, an East Hampton resident, was arrested by East Hampton Village Police Saturday night at around 10 p.m. on felony charges of DWI. Police said Crowell was behind the wheel of a 2012 Infiniti sedan headed east on Montauk Highway with a burned-out headlight, leading to a traffic stop, and eventually, his arrest. The arresting officer said that Crowell appeared intoxicated and failed roadside sobriety tests. He was taken to Village Police headquarters on Cedar Street, where a breath test produced a rating of .26, according to the police. The reported reading is over three times the .08 mark that defines intoxication in New York State, and is well over the .18 mark that automatically raises the charge to the aggravated level. According to assistant district attorney Keith O’Brien, who handled the arraignment Sunday morning, Crowell was previously convicted of aggravated DWI at the misdemeanor level in 2022. The new charges are felonies because, once convicted of DWI, any new charge of DWI is automatically raised to the felony level within 10 years of conviction.