Sign Mystery Solved - 27 East


East Hampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2344839
Mar 11, 2025

Sign Mystery Solved

While I was evidently falsely reporting a “dastardly crime” to the Wainscott Citizens Advisory Committee at its monthly meeting on Saturday morning, March 1 (reported in this paper by Jack Motz) [“Wainscott Sign Goes Missing, WCAC Says,”, March 5], it turns out that town officials and department heads were doing their jobs.

Councilman David Lys reported to Buildings and Grounds Department head Steve O’Brien earlier that week that the westbound “Welcome to Wainscott” and eastbound East Hampton signs had blown over in the wind. Mr. O’Brien, in turn, brought the signs to the department shop, where they’re in line to get refurbished and put back out in public service.

As it happens, word didn’t get to me — and I had only thought to check with the Highway Department before raising the alarm.

My apologies to all involved.

Hersey Egginton


Wainscott Citizens Advisory Committee