Stacking Boards - 27 East


East Hampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2346164
Mar 17, 2025

Stacking Boards

The concern has been rising that the New York State United Teachers union has made itself instrumental in making sure school boards have teachers on them. We have several spots like this locally. To top that off, it is even more concerning that multiple boards also have members who are related who sit on them. It becomes more concerning when those members who are related also have family working on the school staff.

To put this into context, we are looking at conflicts and potential future conflicts. If you were, for example, to apply to be on a council the governor would appoint — like a council on developmental disabilities — if anything you would vote on favors your family, you then are required to recuse yourself from voting.

School boards? No issues. Just bias, in my opinion.

According to numbers just released by the state comptroller, Suffolk County schools are projected to receive $4.9 billion in tax revenue. This equates to approximately two-thirds of homeowners’ tax bills.

The education system, in my opinion, is out of control. Just don’t call on the new Education Secretary Linda McMahon, she doesn’t have an idea.

Still here.

Joe Karpinski
