Author Talk: Marine Pollution:What Everyone Needs to Know by Dr. Judith Weis - 27 East


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Author Talk: Marine Pollution:What Everyone Needs to Know by Dr. Judith Weis


With chapters focusing on different types of pollutants, from excess nutrients, to metals, pesticides, oil spills, plastics. Also 'emerging concerns' such as pharmaceuticals, noise, and light pollution, and climate change, and including a new chapter about microplastics, this book discusses where they come from, what their effects are (on marine organisms and humans), and what we can do about them.

About the author: Dr. Judith S. Weis is a Professor Emerita of Biological Sciences at Rutgers University, Newark. Her research focuses mostly on estuarine ecology and ecotoxicology, and she has published over 300 refereed scientific papers, a technical book on marine pollution, co-edited books on “Biological Invasions and Animal Behaviour,” and “Polluting Textiles,” as well books for the general public on salt marshes (Salt Marshes: a Natural and Unnatural History), fish (Do Fish Sleep?), crabs (Walking Sideways: The Remarkable World of Crabs), and marine pollution (Marine Pollution: What Everyone Needs to Know). Much of her research has been in estuaries in the NY/NJ area, but she has also done research in Indonesia and Madagascar. She serves on the editorial board for BioScience. She was a AAAS Science Policy Fellow with the U.S Senate, and a Fulbright Senior Specialist in Indonesia. She has been on advisory committees for USEPA, NOAA, and the National Research Council, was a lead author on the UN’s World Ocean Assessment 1 and 2. She chaired the Science Advisory Board of the NJ Department of Environmental Protection, served on the governing boards of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), the Association for Women in Science (AWIS), and the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS), of which she was the President in 2001. In 2016, she received the Merit Award from the Society of Wetland Scientists. She is the “Champion” of the NY/NJ Harbor Estuary, having sponsored it to become a “Hope Spot” designated by the organization Mission Blue.


Sat, Sep 28, 2024 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM


  • East Hampton Library
  • 159 Main Street, East Hampton, NY, USA