Southampton Town is in the midst of enacting legislation to severely restrict the location of BESS facilities in the town, based largely on fears that the energy storage facilities, which are a key element of New York’s plans to move toward a clean energy future, could be dangerous. Several high-profi le incidents involving fi res at BESS facilities have heightened worries about siting BESS facilities near residential areas or primary arteries of travel. Is there a way forward that both fosters green energy and protects citizens?
This Express Sessions event will focus on these questions, with a panel made up of Southampton Town officials, a representative of the firefighting community, and representatives of the energy sector.
Maria Moore - Supervisor, Southampton Town
Cyndi McNamara - Councilwoman, Southampton Town
John Rankin - Chief Fire Marshal, Southampton Town
Paul Rogers - Energy Storage Specialist, Energy Safety Response Group, NYC
Gary Stephenson Senior Vice President of Power Supply, Long Island Power Authority