On the 50th anniversary of Pol Pot's communist revolution, physician and author Blake Kerr will present his new book The Angry Skies: A Physician’s Journey Into Cambodia’s Heart of Darkness, published by East End Press.
Angry Skies tells of Kerr's experience establishing a health clinic in Cambodia in 2000 and traveling to remote, heavily mined Khmer Rouge strongholds where he meets child soldiers, physicians, warlords, and generals, as well as Pol Pot’s family and inner circle.
“Part adventure story, part historical investigation, here is a lucid, compassionate, and startling work of reportage in the tradition of Gourevitch’s We Wish To Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families and Arendt’s Eichmann In Jerusalem.” writes author Nick McDonell.
Dr. Kerr, beloved long-time physician on the East End, is author of Sky Burial: an Eyewitness Account of China's Brutal Crackdown in Tibet, published in 2011.
Other works include Tibetans Under the Knife, and The Suppression of a People: Accounts of Torture and Imprisonment in Tibet (with John Ackerly). He has written for The Washington Post, The New York Times, Tibetan Review, Utne Reader, and Cultural Survival.
Dr. Kerr’s first award-winning documentary, The Angry Skies: A Cambodian Journey, pressured the Cambodian government to arrest Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan in 2007 for trial in an international tribunal with Cambodian and UN judges.