Author and essayist Taylor Plimpton, son of Paris Review founding editor George Plimpton, reminisces on growing up among giants of the written word like Peter Matthiessen and next-door neighbor Kurt Vonnegut in Sagaponack, one of the most remarkable literary hamlets in the world. Presented in partnership with Canio’s.
Presenter bio:
Taylor Plimpton is the author of the memoir, Notes from the Night: A Life After Dark. He regularly contributes essays to Sports Illustrated, Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, The New Yorker, A Public Space, The Paris Review Daily, and many other periodicals. Plimpton is currently finishing up a collection entitled, Who My Dog Thinks I Am: Essays and Other True Tales. He graduated with a degree in English from Reed College, and lives with his family (including his mostly good dog, Brooklyn) in Pleasantville, New York.