Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Woodland Trail, Trail Trot & Animal Antics, Open House, and More
The Kickoff for the Long Island Game Farm’s 55th Anniversary year will take place on Saturday May 3rd at 10AM The rain date for the event is Sunday May 4th at 10AM.
The Long Island Game Farm is pleased to announce our Master of Ceremonies for the day is Doug Geed. A much-admired lifelong Long Islander, 10-time Emmy Award Winner and former News 12 Anchor and Reporter, Doug has also been a longtime supporter of the Game Farm. He says “The Long Island Game Farm was one of our Island’s first tourist attractions and it remains one of our most treasured landmarks. It’s brought pleasure and joy to the Geeds and thousands of other families through the decades and I’m excited about this new chapter for the Game Farm and the Novak Family.”
The 55th Anniversary Kick-off will include a ribbon cutting ceremony of the Woodland Trail, a universal access trail suitable for wheelchairs. The trail renovation was made possible with funds from Suffolk County Jumpsmart program. The ribbon cutting will open Woodland Trail for the start of the Trail Trot & Animal Antics, A non-competitive run/walk through the trail followed by animal inspired challenges (antics) for the children. In addition, the day will include:
An Open House where guests will meet the Game Farm Team, Camp Counselors, and partners to learn about what’s new at the Game Farm this year including a summer music series and the Re-Photo Project. Refreshments will be served.
Local Long Island Songwriters will perform on the new Susan M. Novak Stage
Game Farm Director Greg Drossel will lead groups on a Woodland Trail Walk while he shares the Game Farm vision for the Trail.
Artist Tonito Valderrama will invite attendees to participate in the creation of The Great Nest of Life Installation Project, interactive nature sculpture celebrating birds of Long Island.
Boy Scout Sam Zvolensky will show his Eagle Award Project, a sensory garden at the Game Farm and Girl Scouts Adalia Haas and Summer Realander will talk about her Gold Award projects they are each working on.
Anthony Graziano, Long Island Landscape Photographer and conservation advocate will talk about his work and upcoming photo and IPhone photography classes at the Game Farm.
Dr. Heidi MacALpine and Noelle Grogan; Community collaborators promoting health and wellbeing through the creative arts will demonstrate and talk about their work and upcoming program.
Discounted admission for the day is $15/person
Registration for the Trail Trot for youth, 3-12yrs is in advance at and includes admission to the Game Farm and a commemorative t-shirt. To register and for further information: https://www.longislandgamefarm.com/trailtrot