Great Tasting, Healthy Foods - 27 East

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Great Tasting, Healthy Foods


The Road To Healthy

  • Publication: Food & Drink
  • Published on: Feb 18, 2013

As I continue my 2013 goal to return to my road to healthy, I need to refuel with many of the foods and recipes that helped me fuel my successful first trip in 2012.

As a die-hard foodie, just filling my stomach won’t do it. What I eat must taste good and it must satisfy.

Certain foods and recipes really helped me to have great, satisfying meals. Some I knew I liked—beans, corn, spices, etc.—others I was introduced to or discovered and they became my go-to staples, such as quinoa, brown rice, and many things from the Bragg’s line.

I thought this would be good week to share a few recipes that I found simple and delicious and can become part of anyone’s diet. I hope you enjoy these recipes for grilled corn salad, tabouleh and dirty rice and beans as much as I have.

Grilled Corn Salad

(Serves 4 to 6)

6 ears of husked, grilled corn

1/2 bunch cilantro (basil can be substituted)

1 medium red onion, julienned

1/2 pint grape tomatoes, cut in half

Juice of 2 limes

1 teaspoon cumin

1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar (substitute white or apple cider vinegar if desired)

Grill the corn and take the kernels off the cob.

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl.

Mix well and serve at room temperature.

Quinoa Tabbouleh

(Serves 4)

2 cups quinoa, rinsed

3 cups water

1 cucumber, seeded and cubed

1/2 pint grape tomatoes, cut in quarters or smaller

1/2 bunch parsley, finely chopped

1 bunch scallion, thinly sliced (can use whole stalk)

1/2 bunch mint, finely chopped

Small handful of currants

1½ tablespoon agave

Juice of 2 limes

Boil the quinoa in 3 cups of water.

Lower to simmer, cover and allow to cook for approximately 10 minutes.

Quinoa is done when water has evaporated and the grain has “sprouted.”

Remove from the pot and spread on a sheet tray to cool.

While the quinoa is cooling, combine all other ingredients so that the flavors can develop.

Once the quinoa has cooled to room temperature, combine all, mix well and serve.

Dirty Rice And Beans

(Serves 4)

Brown rice (either a container from take-out or use one or two of those microwavable bags in the freezer aisle)

2 15-ounce cans black or kidney beans

1 small/medium red onion, diced

1 small red bell pepper, diced

3 or 4 cloves garlic, finely diced

Juice of 2 limes

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

1 teaspoon cumin

2 chipotle peppers, chopped, with adobo removed (canned variety can also be used)

Light handful cilantro, chopped

1 bunch scallions, diced

Heat vinegar and lime juice in a medium saucepan.

Add red onion, bell pepper, garlic, scallion (white parts only) and cumin.

Sauté for about 2 minutes.

Add in the beans and chipotle and stir.

Allow all to heat through and cook until peppers and onions begin to soften.

Stir in the cooked brown rice and allow all to heat through.

Serve hot and garnish with the scallion greens. Taste and adjust the seasonings.

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