Marders in Bridgehampton continues its series of free Sunday garden talks this spring.
On March 16, the topic is The How & Why of Self-Sowing Seeds. No-Till Gardening, on the benefits of using compost, plant waste wood chops and cardboard in lieu of tilling, follows on March 23. Choosing and Using Hydrangeas will close out the month on March 30.
April 6 is Planning a Potager, on how to combine herbs, vegetables and flowers in one beautiful garden. April 13 is How & When To Start Any Kind of Seed in Zone 7a. After taking Easter Sunday off, the talks will resume on April 27 with Spring Chores, on when to start weeding, pruning, dividing and transplanting.
On May 4, a talk plus a demonstration will explain how to divide and prep dahlia tubers. May 11, Mother’s Day, the topic will be Keeping Your Mother’s Day Orchid Happy. May 18’s talk will be Organic Rose Care, with tips on choosing, planting, feeding, pruning and enjoying roses. Gardening To Attract Bees & Butterflies is May 25.
Native Plants Vs. Diverse Garden – Planting for Our Future will kick off a new month of talks on June 1. Designing & Creating Gardens to Attract Hummingbirds will follow on June 8. Companion Planting To Attract Beneficials & Pollinators is June 15, and Brix, a talk on using sugar to battle beetles and encourage root growth, is June 22. June 29 is Cottage & Cutting Gardens: What’s Your Style?
All events begin at 10 a.m. and run an hour. Registration is not required. Marders is at 120 Snake Hollow Road, Bridgehampton.