Suffolk County Water Authority Reports Successful Conservation Efforts - 27 East


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Suffolk County Water Authority Reports Successful Conservation Efforts

authorStaff Writer on Oct 1, 2024

The Suffolk County Water Authority reports that its water conservation efforts were successful during one of the hottest summers on record.

SCWA stated that it successfully managed water demand without experiencing the stress typically seen during peak summer usage.

“In past years, SCWA often faced peak demands up to 540,000 gallons per minute (gpm),” the water authority shared. “This summer, however, demand never exceeded 520,000 gpm and rarely surpassed 510,000 gpm.”

SCWA credits this to customers embracing water conservation measures, particularly the odd/even lawn watering schedule. “This proven approach significantly reduces water demand without compromising lawn health,” the water authority stated. “The schedule encourages residents with odd-numbered street addresses to water on odd-numbered days, and those with even-numbered addresses on even days, promoting a balanced and sustainable water usage pattern.

In addition to the watering schedule, SCWA has seen more residents installing smart sprinkler controllers and other water-saving technologies that automatically adjust sprinkler usage based on real-time weather conditions.

“While water demand is closely tied to precipitation patterns, it’s clear that conservation efforts are beginning to have a measurable impact,” said SCWA Chairman Charlie Lefkowitz. “This summer showed the dedication of Suffolk County residents in protecting our most precious resource.”

SCWA is also working to shift the culture of water overuse in Suffolk County through an advertising campaign. The multiyear effort aims to raise awareness and encourage long-term changes in water habits across the region.

“We’re encouraged by the progress we’ve made so far, but this is only the beginning,” said SCWA CEO Jeff Szabo. “Through ongoing education and community engagement, we aim to make water conservation a regular part of everyday life.”

High demand can lead to low water pressure, while conservation can avoid the need for costly infrastructure updates to meet demand, according to SCWA.

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