Tanya Dawson, Nia Dawson's mother, recounts details of the incident while standing in front of the launderette as part of a peaceful protest organized by Exposing Inequities in the Hamptons in October 2021. DANA SHAW
The protest organized by Exposing Inequities in the Hamptons held in front of the laundry in October 2021. DANA SHAW
The protest organized by Exposing Inequities in the Hamptons held in front of the laundry in October 2021. DANA SHAW
Tanya Dawson, Nia Dawson's mother, recounts details of the incident while standing in front of the launderette as part of a peaceful protest organized by Exposing Inequities in the Hamptons in October 2021. DANA SHAW
The protest organized by Exposing Inequities in the Hamptons held in front of the laundry in October 2021. DANA SHAW
The protest organized by Exposing Inequities in the Hamptons held in front of the laundry in October 2021. DANA SHAW
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