By Stephen J. Kotz Congressman Zeldin, this was your first inauguration as a member of Congress. Can you share with us some of your impressions? It was an honor to... more
Now that most leaf blowers have gone into hibernation, we have the real quiet of midwinter to relish. Contrary to description, quiet is not actually quiet, but it is largely left alone, undisturbed, and so in the empty, cold air you can hear the small but cumulative sounds. Things like beach pebbles, miles away, drawing back with a wave. The predation begins before dawn. The woman fills her feeders. The sparrows move in, and doves, lazy from the cold night, flap down from high branches to huddle on the ground. One small movement begets another — and the hawk sifts ...
by Marilee Foster
Governor Kathy Hochul recently issued two whoppers of vetoes of measures passed by the New York State Legislature. One was of a bill that recognizes the Montaukett Indian Nation. As East Hampton Town declared in a proclamation in November, “the Montaukett remain resilient.” But don’t tell that to Governor Hochul. The Montaukett were the victims of a land grab in a 1910 court case, Pharaoh v. Benson. “The New York State courts removed recognition from the Montaukett in a racist decision based on the legal fiction that the Montaukett were extinct to justify what could only be described as a ...
by Karl Grossman