Police Reports Archives - 27 East

Police / Police Reports

Sag Harbor Express / Police / Police Reports

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Sag Harbor Village Police Reports for the Week of March 6

SAG HARBOR VILLAGE — Village Police arrested a Sag Harbor Village resident, Sofia Fernandez Nava, 27, last Thursday afternoon on a misdemeanor charge of petty larceny. It appears from the arrest report that Fernandez Nava made two classic mistakes, if in fact, she is guilty as charged: She did not look up to look for surveillance cameras, and she returned to the scene of the crime. Police said that Fernandez Nava entered a boutique on Main Street on February 23. According to the report, Fernandez Nava picked up a dress valued at $595 and went into the changing room, and without closing the curtain, placed the dress inside her bag. Fernandez Navas then is said to have walked around the store for a few minutes before leaving without paying for the dress. What she did not realize was that there was a surveillance camera in the store, as well as outside on the street. Fernandez Nava was arrested early Thursday afternoon, on Main Street at the same address as the boutique’s location, the report states.

SAG HARBOR VILLAGE — Police cited a Southampton resident last Thursday morning on a charge of peddling in Sag Harbor Village without a license, which is a violation of the village’s code. Police said an officer spotted the man pulling onto a construction site on Glover Street in a food van, where he began selling his wares. When the officer asked to see the man’s license, he did not have one, leading to the charge.

SAG HARBOR VILLAGE — An officer went to a Wooded Path residence last Thursday a little before midnight where the resident said that his cat had gone out 15 minutes earlier and not come back. He asked if an officer could check the area with a flashlight which the officer did without finding the cat. Police suggested that the man contact local animal shelters and veterinarians in the morning if the cat did not return. The cat was described as a short-haired brown tabby.

SAG HARBOR VILLAGE — A Hampton Street resident called police around noon on Sunday to report finding an arrow lodged in his front yard. The man told the police that the arrow had not been there the night before. Police checked the area but could not determine where the arrow had originated from.