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Bayron Fernando Guazhambo Nasqui, 32, of Springs, was arrested by Sag Harbor Village Police Saturday morning at around 6 a.m. on misdemeanor charges of DWI. The arresting officer was sent to investigate a report police received that there was a man sleeping in a pickup truck on Jermain Avenue near Main Street. The officer said that he found Guazhambo Nasqui asleep behind the wheel of a 2019 Toyota Tacoma on Jermaine Avenue, keys in the ignition and engine running, with his foot on the brake. When the officer tried to interview Guazhambo Nasqui, he said the man woke up and initially started to drive away before stopping. He appeared intoxicated and failed sobriety tests, police said, leading to his arrest. At headquarters, police recorded a breath test reading of .21 well over the .08 mark that defines intoxication in the state of New York, and high enough to raise the misdemeanor charge Guazhambo Nasqui is facing to the aggravated level.