Sag Harbor Village Police Reports for the Week of February 13 - 27 East

Sag Harbor Village Police Reports for the Week of February 13

authorStaff Writer on Feb 14, 2025
SAG HARBOR VILLAGE — Village Police received a report at around 4 a.m. on Sunday that there appeared to be an intruder in the backyard of a Hampton Street residence.... more

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Sag Harbor Village Police Reports for the Week of February 20

SAG HARBOR VILLAGE — Village Police responded to a report of construction being done on the Presidents Day holiday on Washington Avenue. An officer spoke with a foreman of the company that was doing the work, telling the foreman about the village code prohibiting such work on a holiday. The foreman explained that they were putting in a metal retaining wall, and that it would be hazardous to stop work before the wall was in place. The foreman told the police that it would take about 60 to 90 minutes to finish, and that at that point all work with ... 19 Feb 2025 by Staff Writer