A Backstop - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2267173

A Backstop

We can’t have a free-for-all — we must respect the president, and Joe Biden stepping down is a mistake.

What we need to do is shake up the team. We have to replace Kamala Harris with a known, solid personality who has shown the American people their caring nature, but with the fierceness necessary to combat Donald Trump. We need the new vice president to campaign in lockstep with Biden and plan to govern with the Biden policy intact. Joe is the president with a backstop. The public must be protected at all times.

Andrew Cuomo is a the person I believe is exceptionally qualified for this role. It is uncertain whether he would accept it, given that Joe Biden expelled him from the Democratic Party without substantial evidence of any transgressions.

Now the proof of Cuomo’s innocence is in, and what happened to expel him is ridiculous. The Justice Department blew it, period.

Remember, Cuomo served as the governor of the State of New York for three terms, the second-most challenging job in the country. He was a beacon of hope for all Americans, guiding us daily through the darkest days of COVID-19.

Andrew Cuomo’s ability to outshine Trump is obvious. He has the name recognition and the ability to step up at this crucial moment.

We cannot afford the debacle of internal party disputes. The solution is to act swiftly and decisively, without any delay. These actions will again render Trump a loser, a situation he’s now familiar with.

What we need now is a united front, not internal bickering.

Jerry Rosengarten

Southampton Village