A Better Village - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1789683
Jun 14, 2021

A Better Village

I am a full-time resident and homeowner in the Village of Southampton. After growing up in Old Westbury, marrying and raising my children there, I moved to Southampton full time because of the beauty, safety and reputation of such an established enclave. The maintenance and preservation of the ideals of inclusion, education, financial stability and a beautiful environment are some of the things that have always attracted me to this unique community.

I find myself reaching out to the community at large to encourage my fellow residents to educate themselves in the importance of exercising their right and privilege to vote for our mayor and trustees in the impending election this June 18.

After listening to the debates between the current and former mayor of Southampton, as well as the current trustees and running trustees, as well as attending an informative meet-and-greet at Halsey House on June 12, I have reached the decision to exercise my vote for Mayor Jesse Warren and, for trustees, Robin Brown and Roy Stevenson. I implore you all to listen to the debates and to come to the conclusion that this is the strongest team to continue to accomplish the goals of the village, which is to recognize and continue to implement change for further growth and financial sustenance of our community.

The current administration, under the leadership of Jesse Warren, lowered our tax rate and levy, a tremendous accomplishment during a worldwide pandemic. This took careful analysis of an existing budget, hard work and implementation.

Additionally, the current administration has begun to tackle the septic challenges of the village. This is crucial to the inclusion of future commercial business in the village. Cleanup is being accomplished by the Community Preservation Fund, New York State funds from the Environmental Facilities Corporation, and money from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The current administration also opened Moses Lane Park, including new walking trails.

The village’s operating budget is in surplus of $5 million. This includes an increased village cash position over the last two years. The village, through the current administration, paid down debt of $1.2 million during the pandemic. Our balance sheet is stronger as a result of all the positive fiscal activity.

Wouldn’t you want to maintain a government infrastructure where your needs to thrive as a community could be maintained because of a fiscally healthy environment?

Please use your privilege to vote in our election on June 18 for Jesse Warren; Roy Stevenson, a member of the Planning Board and business owner and resident since 1955; and, finally, Robin Brown, a resident for over 20 years and a humanitarian supporter who is in favor of a unified village run by the people.

Dale Novick

Southampton Village