A Disgrace - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2339122
Feb 4, 2025

A Disgrace

I would like to know who came up with the idea to close school for Chinese New Year. Parents who work have been disrupted, and what is next? Siberian New Year?

This is a total disgrace and I hope the public remembers come reelection time for the school board. This is America — what is going on?

Barry Smith

Water Mill

It was not a school board decision: Governor Kathy Hochul signed legislation to declare Asian Lunar New Year a public school holiday statewide in September 2023. “By designating Lunar New Year as an official school holiday, we are taking an important step in recognizing the importance of New York’s [Asian American and Pacific Islander] community and the rich diversity that makes New York so great,” she was quoted as saying at the time. “It is not just a day off from school — it is an opportunity for our children to learn about and celebrate their own or different cultures and traditions” — Ed.