I am very disappointed by 27east’s treatment of the Shinnecock Nation [“We Mark Our Ballot: Southampton Town Council Special Election,” Editorial, March 13]. A few points need to be made.
First of all, Indigenous nations are sovereign — you cannot zone them. Secondly, a title search has already been done that shows, for hundreds of years, Westwoods belongs to the reservation. I think they have over the years been bullied enough and had their land stolen enough.
This frivolous lawsuit that the town is waging is not only an expense to the taxpayers but presents Southampton Town residents as bad players in the war on the Native people here on Long Island. Their desire to build a gas station to provide income for their people on their own land is none of Southampton’s business. Like all Indigenous nations, they are sovereign.
I am very disappointed as a neighbor of how they are being treated. It is a disgrace and just another example of how they are being disrespected by the white people around them. They have been here for 10,000 years stewarding the land with love. We cannot say the same.
Furthermore, your offer to buy their land shows that you know nothing about their culture. They will not sell their mother for any amount of money.
Susan Steinmann
Mastic Beach