A Look Back - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2274908
Jul 22, 2024

A Look Back

Spring Impressions

Early Morning Avian Symphony

Little fluttering sounds

Beckoning the Day

Later, a Road Trip thru

Brilliant colored countryside

citron Forsythia in full glory —

Pale pink Dogwood in stark

contrast — milk white cherry

Blossoms — beautiful and


One loses concentration


Flower stalls dot the side

roads — impatience, coral and white geraniums,

gerber daises —

Hard to believe that Trump

still causes anguish to so many —

Shaky economy,

Tornadoes, global warming,

Toxic fumes from derailed

train cars —

Returning home —

Six mallards resting on

freshly mown lawn,

circling each other, as if in a

Ritual Mating Dance

All is well.

Vicki Quan

East Moriches