A Moot Point - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2266420

A Moot Point

The signs on lawns in my neighborhood in the weeks leading up to the Democratic primary for our congressional district heralded the candidacy of John Avlon, an author and CNN figure. His bona fides were his moderate sensible liberal views vs. the progressive Nancy Goroff, who had failed to defeat U.S. Representative Nick LaLota in the previous election cycle for the 1st Congressional District.

In today’s political theater, moderation is welcome news to many who are weary of the partisanship that divides friends and neighbors from our government. But just how will Mr. Avlon, the chosen candidate for Democrats, demonstrate his moderation if he were fortunate enough to be elected as our congressman?

Will he buck his party and close the border without the silly exceptions that were rejected by House Republicans that permitted over a million more undocumented gate crashers? Would he support Medicare benefits for these same illegals, paid for by the American taxpayer?

Will he vote with his party on making transgender rights available to teenagers without parental input, or pay for the transition of military personal while in service? Will he discriminate against biological women and vote for trans men competing in sports against them? Will he demand reproductive rights for women right up to the moment of birth, which his party supports in spite of the consensus that believes that is barbaric?

Will he vote with his fellow Democrats if the opportunity arises to expand the Supreme Court and to pack it with progressive justices who don’t really trust our Constitution? Will he be obligated to vote with Democrats on climate change policies (like the Paris Accords) that impoverish our economy while accomplishing little to nothing on global warming? Will he vote to demand Israel create a Palestinian state to mollify his party’s antisemites?

My point being that if elected Mr. Avlon (a moderate or not) will support any and every piece of progressive legislation that comes to his desk, because he will have no choice and, unlike Republicans, vote for them obediently.

All this concern about Mr. Avlon’s moderate credentials may be moot after watching Joe Biden’s debate performance utterly erase any hope that he is capable of leading this nation for another term. The damning truth for Democrats is that they were lied to about his capabilities by their trusted advisors, including the Biden family, who had no qualms with the humiliation of the president. How desperate Jill Biden and the Biden family must be to prop up old Joe to perpetuate the family influence-peddling business.

With the Biden candidacy imploding, no worries, Mr. Avlon. Your moderation will not be tested.

Ed Surgan
