A Pollinator Pathway - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1814655
Sep 6, 2021

A Pollinator Pathway

The fate of our pollinators — ladybugs, bees, birds, butterflies, bats and more — has been at the forefront of environmental issues for many years but is getting special attention at this critical time.

On August 30, the Suffolk County Legislature’s Public Works, Transportation and Energy Committee, led by Legislators Al Krupski and Bridget Fleming, approved five additional members, including three garden club members, the Audubon Society and the Horticulture Alliance of the Hamptons, to the newly established Pollinator Pathway Task Force. The task force will “develop a plan to support pollinator species along roadways and in open green spaces in order to maintain a healthy ecosystem in Suffolk County.”

Integral to creating connected pollinator gardens, whether on the roadways or in one’s home garden, is the absence of pesticides. No matter the “organic” claims, pesticides kill not only the targeted pest but also pollinators and beneficial predatory insects. A friend once said, “I find it rude to invite a guest to dinner and then feed them poisons.”

Kudos to the Suffolk County Legislature and the many garden clubs, including the Westhampton Garden Club, and local agencies and private residents, for taking steps to protect our vital pollinators by creating, restoring and reconnecting isolated pesticide-free patches of habitat.

Joy Flynn
