A Rubber Stamp - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2291870
Sep 23, 2024

A Rubber Stamp

If you walk down the memory lane of politics, in 2019, you will be reminded that Tommy John Schiavoni was a candidate for the New York State Senate seat held by moderate Republican Kenneth LaValle.

Currently, the Southampton Town Democratic Committee is portraying Tommy John as a “common-sense” candidate. However, Tommy John showed no common sense when his campaign put out a mean-spirited letter attacking LaValle.

To quote Tommy John, from Dan’s Papers, November 19, 2019: “I don’t plan on attacking him. I don’t believe in contentious elections.” Really? That letter was quickly retracted, but, of course, the negatives were already expressed. Not much common sense was shown, especially when LaValle was highly respected across all political stripes.

After coming in third in that Democratic primary race, Tommy John’s campaign ended — perhaps he should have shown more common sense.

To date, Southampton Town Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni has become a great disappointment in his voting record. Instead of being a voice for the people, he turned out to be a rubber stamp for Jay Schneiderman, and all those who want to profit from overdeveloping the East End of Long Island.

Remember in November.

Barbara Ring

Hampton Bays