These days, government has been tarnished with the us-vs.-you mentality. It has clouded many candidates’ and people’s judgment.
I have the belief that you should base your vote on the person rather than the party. We need good people in government who will roll up their sleeves with their heart in the right place.
Rick Martel is that person. That is why I will be voting for him for Southampton Town Council during this special election on March 18.
It was a privilege to be a legislative aide for Rick Martel, and I wish I could have been for longer, but with the birth of my son, my house became quite busy. I enjoyed going to work for a government official who, when there was a problem, big or small, he would get in his car and seek to understand the problem and, most importantly, listen to his constituents. This hands-on approach is what many people in public office are lacking.
Rick worked across party lines to ensure that constituents were protected and to get the job done, in the most effective and efficient way. There are not enough people in government with this attitude — many have an “I” mentality, where a “we” mentality is needed. As a town councilman, Rick had that right mentality, and it is my firm belief that he will continue where he left off.
Eastport is a small hamlet that is split between Brookhaven and Southampton, and is in the western side of Southampton Town. We have a small business district and parcels of farmland, with middle-class families that care about one another. We know each other by name and look out for each other.
My new hat is a farmer and mother, and when I look at my area I see that the amount of farmland is diminishing, which is the core of what this area was founded upon. While Rick was in office, he voted to make sure that farmland was preserved, and I know he will continue to fight against overdevelopment, just like he has in the past. Our tiny hamlet is not immune to the concerns of overdevelopment, some of which is occurring right next to historic farmland, and I worry for the future if the wrong person holds office who doesn’t listen to their constituents. Rick is the right person for the job.
I am proud, as a mother and a farmer, to be voting for Rick Martel for Southampton Town Council. I believe that he is a team player, works for the residents, looks at problems from all angles and will preserve the charm of the East End. Our town depends on it.
May Zegarelli