American Landscape - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2272959
Jul 15, 2024

American Landscape

The assassination attempt on Donald Trump is an American tragedy and should never have happened. However, it is naive to believe that Trump’s aggressive rhetoric, attitude and support of violence since he entered the political landscape did not influence what happened to him.

“Violence begets violence.” “He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.” These are not just trite slogans — this is how life works. Trump has openly supported the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, and the attack on the Capitol on January 6. He has humiliated, insulted and taunted his political rivals, and uses language that is aggressive and cruel toward pretty much anyone who impedes his own goals or intentions.

And what did Trump say after he was shot? Bleeding from the ear, he yelled, “Fight!” three times, with his fist clenched. His aggression doesn’t even abate after he’s been shot and almost killed. This is his first instinct.

We have never had a major political candidate who behaves in this fashion. It is unprecedented, horrifying and has led to the kind of disdain for Trump that many of us feel. He has acted like a bully and is seen as one.

Sadly, this shooting is what happens when the American landscape of only two political parties is led by one that encourages violence. It is tragic. I am deeply saddened.

Paula Angelone, Ph.D.

Southampton Village