An Open Mind - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1750808
Jan 18, 2021

An Open Mind

Thank you for the sensitive and comprehensive obituary of Andrea Spilka [“Andrea Spilka, Tireless Civic Advocate For The East End, Dies At 72,”, January 12].

It was with profound surprise and sadness that I read it. After reading, I appreciated that you captured the many-faceted aspects of the incredibly decent and open-minded Andrea.

I remember — it had to be in 2003 — that she contacted me while I was still at the Long Island Housing Partnership. She had read a quote of mine saying that protection of the environment and providing homes for young workers were not mutually exclusive, and were, in fact, compatible. She wanted to know how that was true.

Her inquiry indicated her openness to new approaches and ideas, and especially her drive to do the right thing, which she always did with deep decency.

Jim Morgo
