Another Option - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2080752
Feb 28, 2023

Another Option

Despite Jay Schneiderman’s desires and insistence [“Eyeing Bel-Aire Cove Potential Redevelopment in Hampton Bays, Projects Narrowed to Two by Southampton Town Officials,”, February 21], the Bel-Aire Motel conversion to parkland isn’t dead yet.

Looking over the Suffolk County Department of Economic Development and planning staff report of March 2019 in response to the proposal set forth by the Town of Southampton, there are many allusions to being “endorsed by the community” — which it never was — and, in their recommendations: “disapproval of the Hampton Bays Waterfront Revitalization Plan … it constitutes the unwarranted overintensification of the use of the premises.”

And, finally, in the report: “Reason: The Town of Southampton has indicated a commitment to use public funds to acquire the subject property from a ‘willing seller.’ The subject property, due to its location along a shoreline and indicated as an AE zone (8) and a SLOSH (category 1-4) rating, is more suited to passive park-like uses, including stormwater absorption, public waterfront access, kayak launching, picnicking, and other passive recreation that is water dependent, related or enhanced, rather than the re-creation of a motel use or the creation of a condominium development on site.”

These are not my words. Despite this report, the Town of Southampton went ahead with the purchase and have planned to vote on development choice No. 1 or No. 2 — ignoring the parkland option completely.

It’s up to us to write the supervisor and Town Board members that we want option No. 3.

John Roulett

Hampton Bays