Bra Fashion Show Has Run Its Course, but Organizers Hope Other Events Fill the Void To Support Lucia's Angels - 27 East

Bra Fashion Show Has Run Its Course, but Organizers Hope Other Events Fill the Void To Support Lucia's Angels

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Amanda Aldrich with escort Ernie Cirruzzo models,

Amanda Aldrich with escort Ernie Cirruzzo models, "Breast in Show," by Marianne Park Downes at the Reconstructed Fashion show and Auction on May 3, at the Clubhouse in East Hampton. DANA SHAW

Rebeca Olender in

Rebeca Olender in "Snake Charmer," by Jessica Web. DANA SHAW

Lenny Lizano models

Lenny Lizano models "Fairway Fighter," by Lucy Gulli with escort Nick Epley. DANA SHAW

Lenny Lizano models

Lenny Lizano models "Fairway Fighter," by Lucy Gulli. DANA SHAW

Amanda Aldrich with escort Ernie Cirruzzo models,

Amanda Aldrich with escort Ernie Cirruzzo models, "Breast in Show," by Marianne Park Downes at the Reconstructed Fashion show and Auction on May 3, at the Clubhouse in East Hampton. DANA SHA

Janine Rewinski models

Janine Rewinski models "Coco Chanel at Heart," by Rene Foster . DANA SHAW

Janine Rewinski models

Janine Rewinski models "Coco Chanel at Heart," by Rene Foster. DANA SHAW

Janine Rewinski models

Janine Rewinski models "Coco Chanel at Heart," by Rene Foster with escort Dr. Jim Brady. DANA SHAW

Janine Rewinski models

Janine Rewinski models "Coco Chanel at Heart," by Rene Foster with escort Dr. Jim Brady. DANA SHAW

Janine Rewinski models

Janine Rewinski models "Coco Chanel at Heart," by Rene Foster. DANA SHAW

Amanda Aldrich models

Amanda Aldrich models "Pinkies," by Carolyn Munaco. DANA SHAW

Katherine Howard models

Katherine Howard models "In Bloom," with escort Dr. Rajeev Fernanado. DANA SHAW

Katherine Howard models

Katherine Howard models "In Bloom," with escort Dr. Rajeev Fernanado. DANA SHAW

Ruth Pegg models the Pac Man themed

Ruth Pegg models the Pac Man themed "Woka Woka," by Liz Haarke with escort Dr. Jim Brady. DANA SHAW

Margo Manhattan models he own creation,

Margo Manhattan models he own creation, "Mid-Spring: Knight Dream." DANA SHAW

Susanna Hermann in

Susanna Hermann in "Cuzco Treasure of Colors," by Nancy Nano with escort Dr. Rajeev Fernando. DANA SHAW

Susanna Hermann in

Susanna Hermann in "Cuzco Treasure of Colors," by Nancy Nano with escort Dr. Rajeev Fernando. DANA SHAW

Lenny Lizano models

Lenny Lizano models "Wild Child," By Karyn Mannix. DANA SHAW

Lenny Lizano models

Lenny Lizano models "Wild Child," By Karyn Mannix. DANA SHAW

Lenny Lizano models

Lenny Lizano models "Wild Child," By Karyn Mannix. DANA SHAW

Susanna Hermann in

Susanna Hermann in "Cuzco Treasure of Colors," by Nancy Nano with escort Dr. Rajeev Fernando. DANA SHAW

Janine Rewinski in

Janine Rewinski in "Playful Wild One," By Julia Macchiaroli with escort Nick Epley. DANA SHAW

Janine Rewinski in

Janine Rewinski in "Playful Wild One," By Julia Macchiaroli. DANA SHAW

Janine Rewinski in

Janine Rewinski in "Playful Wild One," By Julia Macchiaroli with escort Nick Epley. DANA SHAW

Janine Rewinski in

Janine Rewinski in "Playful Wild One," By Julia Macchiaroli. DANA SHAW

Rebeca Olender in

Rebeca Olender in "Wonder Woman," by Paulette Phillippe. DANA SHAW

Rebeca Olender and escort Ernie Ciruzzo get a workout showing

Rebeca Olender and escort Ernie Ciruzzo get a workout showing "Wonder Woman," by Paulette Phillippe. DANA SHAW

Katherine Howard In

Katherine Howard In "Fusing Love with flowers," by Teresa Lawler. DANA SHAW

Zuzana Tapfer in

Zuzana Tapfer in "Pinwheels," by Claudia Bonavita. DANA SHAW

Lisa Carew in

Lisa Carew in "Sea Jelly," by Bonnie Urlich with escort Dr. Jim Brady. DANA SHAW

Lisa Carew in

Lisa Carew in "Sea Jelly," by Bonnie Urlich. DANA SHAW

Lisa Carew in

Lisa Carew in "Sea Jelly," by Bonnie Urlich with escort Dr. Jim Brady. DANA SHAW

Zuzana Tapfer models

Zuzana Tapfer models "Shaka Bra-h," by Lindsey Haines with escort Dr. Nicholas Dyno. DANA SHAW

Zuzana Tapfer models

Zuzana Tapfer models "Shaka Bra-h," by Lindsey Haines. DANA SHAW

Zuzana Tapfer models

Zuzana Tapfer models "Shaka Bra-h," by Lindsey Haines. DANA SHAW

Susie Barry Roden and Stacy Quarty welcome the crowd to the auction on May 3.  DANA SHAW

Susie Barry Roden and Stacy Quarty welcome the crowd to the auction on May 3. DANA SHAW

Margo Manhattan in her own design,

Margo Manhattan in her own design, "Wings of Desire." DANA SHAW

Margo Manhattan in her own design,

Margo Manhattan in her own design, "Wings of Desire." DANA SHAW

Margo Manhattan in her own design,

Margo Manhattan in her own design, "Wings of Desire." DANA SHAW

authorCailin Riley on May 8, 2024
For more than a decade, the annual Reconstructed Bra Fashion Show was, quite literally, one of the hottest charity tickets in Southampton. It was a fundraiser that boldly stood out... more

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