There’s something very unusual and very important about the special election coming up on March 18 to fill a vacant seat on our Town Council. That’s because it’s the first election we’re having since the big one last November.
Normally, we think there’s little connection between local politics and the national scene, and, normally, that’s right. But this time is different. This time, there have been major changes, and we need to show that we are aware and involved.
We can’t just sit back. We can’t just stand by and let national events wash over us. We must all make our voices heard by getting out and voting. Let them know we are here and we care about our country.
My choice in the special election is Democrat John Leonard of Hampton Bays, an accomplished lawyer with a varied practice including commercial law, domestic relations, trusts and estates, real estate litigation, and other matters. John has built a reputation for intelligence, skill and tenacity on behalf of his clients.
Apart from that, and perhaps more relevant to public service, John has donated a great deal of time and effort representing defendants without fee in the town’s drug court. He has also been very active with the Sag Harbor Chamber of Commerce and the Hampton Bays Rotary and is a co-founder of the Hampton Bays Alliance, which promotes numerous objectives including downtown renewal. John has also served on the town’s Architectural Review Board and its Zoning Board of Appeals.
It’s very important for a local candidate to be involved in activities like these. It proves his dedication to the community, which I think is a prerequisite to serving in elected office.
Even more important is a candidate’s willingness to stand up and fight for his goals. In ways large and small, John Leonard has shown over and over that he can and will do this. He is the fighter we must have.
Just as there isn’t normally much to connect local and national politics, so normally a special election for a single council seat in March wouldn’t attract much voter turnout.
But, again, this time is different. Momentous events are happening. We must break the pattern now and turn out to vote in record numbers to demonstrate that Southampton isn’t just sitting back. We must show we are here, we know what’s going on, and we care.
Don’t sit back. Don’t stand by. Get out and vote on March 18. It’s our country.
George Lynch
Lynch is communications chair for the Southampton Democratic Committee — Ed.