Call To Recuse - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1718643
Aug 18, 2020

Call To Recuse

On Saturday, August 15, I received an inadequate notification of a Southampton Village Zoning Board of Appeals public hearing scheduled for August 27, for the Zilkha application for 28 Raymonds Lane, formerly 7 South Rosko Drive. Since some neighbors have not yet received this notification, I have requested a delay of the hastily scheduled hearing to give neighbors in the Rosko Place subdivision the required time to familiarize themselves with this application.

However, I also will be requesting that two administration officials recuse themselves from consideration of the 28 Raymonds Lane application because of conflicts of interest.

Kim Allan, trustee and candidate for trustee in September, assigned as trustee representative for these hearings, must recuse herself, because, during the Michael Irving administration, she brought Joe McLoughlin to my house or picked him up after lunch several times. During those visits, I showed her documents and told her facts of the illegal takeover of the 67-lot Rosko Place subdivision under the Epley regime. She did not dispute the facts but gave the following excuse for continuation of the lawlessness: “Evelyn, too much money involved.”

Putting Kim Allan in charge of these hearings is putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop.

Dan Guzewicz, member of the ZBA then and now, who partnered with Christopher Burnside, real estate broker, bought the ranches at 52 South Rosko Drive and directly across from it, and put up the huge house at 52 South Rosko Drive without notification to neighbors (my property is two houses north of the Burnside-Guzewicz construction site), and without any public hearing for the application.

“They told us to buy two properties at once,” Christopher Burnside told me in the summer of 2006.

The enormous house at 24 Johnnys Lane and the one at 42 Johnnys Lane, both directly opposite the colonial owned by Rick DePetris, then village attorney, bought by Kevin Maple and his builder partner, are both proof of the truth of Burnside’s statement. There is no statute of limitations issue because of the Doctrine of Continuing Violations, evidenced by the 28 Raymonds Lane application.

I also took Michael Irving on a tour of our illegally taken subdivision, with facts about each new house’s violations of our deeds and common plan and scheme. His answer? He appointed Zach Epley to the Planning Board, where Zach Epley would be in a position to approve new condos in our village, and to run for mayor next time around.

Zach Epley is running for trustee with Kim Allan this September.

Evelyn Konrad

Attorney at law
